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Munchkin Baby Snack Catcher

Little Lady (being a 2nd child) is frequently in her buggy and gets very antsy if she is not entertained and fed at regular intervals. This gets annoying as a) I can’t be bothered to keep handing her snacks every 2 minutes and b) I can’t give her things in bags or pots as she has a tendency to empty the contents onto the ground and then scream at me to pick them up from the gutter where they are being picked at by hungry pigeons. So bags and pots are a no no for snacks on the move!

I was then in a well known budget shop and saw a snack pot with a lid on with an opening for her hands to go in so she could feed herself. Hooray, I thought as I handed it to her. She looked at me, smiled sweetly and proceeded to take the lid off and empty all the contents onto the floor. I tried again and yet again my little princess removed the lid and tipped all her ricecakes over the side of the buggy. I was with my sister who said she had bought a few different brands of these snack pots and had had the same problem with all of them but then bought the Munchkin Baby Snack Catcher and however hard he tried (and apparently he tried and tried and tried), my angelic nephew could not remove the lid. I immediately ordered it online and when it arrived I smugly gave it to Little Lady who straight away tried to prise the lid off. And she tried again. And she tried again. And then she admitted defeat and sat very happily in her buggy sticking her little pudgy hands in the opening to grab snacks. That was 6 months ago and she does still frequently try to take the lid off but as yet hasn’t managed to. 1 – 0 to Mummy!!

The Snack Catcher’s lid lets children help themselves to snacks, but prevents the contents from spilling if the cup is overturned. Little Lady likes to tip hers upside down and shake it around but nothing comes out. (2 – 0 to Mummy!). It has “finger-cleaning” bumps which help keep hands clean and the bottom of the pot is made of soft rubber so it doesn’t scratch tables etc (although to be honest ours is very scratched already from many many Lego men battles taking place at meal times).  We take ours everywhere with us and I fill it with all kinds of fun and healthy snacks which keeps Little Lady entertained and fed and stops the tantrums in the buggy. For us its an invaluable piece of kit and I have a spare in my cupboard just in case we happen to lose ours – honestly if it keeps her quiet a spare is essential!!


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