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Lots of lentils

I love cooking with lentils as they are so easy to make and are a great source of protein. They work brilliantly for vegetarian recipes and they are also a simple way of introducing protein to babies once you start weaning. With The Boy I only gave him one lentil puree recipe but with Little Lady I have been more adventurous and give her lots of lentils in all shapes and forms. Here are some of the recipes that she enjoys.

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3 Easy Tuna Recipes

I love tinned tuna and luckily both my kids do too. It’s such an easy ingredient to work with as it’s already cooked and all you need to do is think of different ways to use it. I prefer to buy it in spring water rather than brine but if you can only get brine then I would try rinsing it off under some water first so it isn’t too salty. Also the one in sunflower oil is great for kids to add in a bit of fat for them.  My 3 Easy Tuna Recipes are really so simple and taste totally delicious. In fact Mr My Mini Meals keeps asking me to make them for his dinner as he likes them so much. I hope you enjoy them as much as all the My Mini Meals family do! Continue reading


7 days of Breakfasts

I got such an overwhelmingly positive response to my 7 Days of Lunches post that I thought I would show you what Little Lady has for breakfast over a week too. It’s not as varied as her lunches admittedly but I do try to give her different things as much as I can. I always try to give her a carb and some fruit and if I can get some dairy into her breakfast then that’s a bonus too. I hope these 7 Days of Breakfasts inspire you!  Continue reading

Beef, Beef, Beef

Anyone who is into nutrition knows that iron is really important for babies and children and therefore I’m always trying to get iron rich foods into my kids anyway I can. Red meat is high in iron so I try to give my kids beef 2-3 times a week. The Boy actually loves it so here are my 3 favourite beef recipes that as usual are so easy, nutritious and yummy! Continue reading


Fun Pizza Ideas

One thing The Boy loves is pizza and although he does have supermarket pizzas I also try to make them from scratch if I can. He has just got interested in cooking so frequently helps me in the kitchen and I find he’s more willing to try new things if he’s had some input into making them. The other day we decided to experiment in the kitchen and see how many pizzas we could make with different bases. We had so much fun and ended up eating quite a lot of pizza!

These fun pizza ideas are so quick and easy to make and if you have a homemade pizza sauce (like my Microwave tomato and vegetable pasta sauce) they are very nutritious too. Give them a go and see what you think!

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Easy Sugar-Free Rice Pudding (Cakes)

I am a member of a large parenting group on Facebook and two common questions are “what calcium rich snack can I give my child instead of their afternoon bottle” and “what healthy desserts can I give that aren’t full of sugar”. I love rice pudding and I wanted to give my kids some but all the ones in supermarkets are loaded with sugar and any recipe I have seen also contains sugar. That called for me making lots of mess and doing lots of tasting in my kitchen (Mr MyMiniMeals is now calling our kitchen “the experimental kitchen” – a la Heston) and  – Voila! – I came up with something really rather tasty. Continue reading


7 days of lunches

Since starting this blog people are constantly asking me what I feed my kids. They presume that I never give them anything processed and that every meal is full of couscous, quinoa and vegetables! I tell them they are very much mistaken and my kids, like most others, happily chomp on fish fingers, oven chips, ready made pizzas and peanut butter sandwiches. However I do try to limit the amount of processed food they eat and ensure that the majority of their food is home cooked.  Continue reading


Spinach and Cheese Polenta Fingers

There are certain ingredients that just seem scary to use and polenta is definitely one of them. Whenever I see it on cookery programmes I always say I am going to make some but to be honest I have had a box of it sitting in my cupboard for a while and just haven’t got round to using it. I was cleaning out the cupboard the other day and found it so thought I would give it a go and see what I could make. I had some spinach that I needed to use up too so figured I could somehow make something tasty for Little Lady using both ingredients. Continue reading