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7 Days Of Lunches Part 4

Following on from the success of my previous 7 Days of Lunches Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3” I give you – “7 Days of Lunches Part 4”!!. It’s been the summer holidays for the last 6 weeks so I have had The Boy at home a lot with me at lunchtime so what I am showing you are meals I have given both of the kids for half of the week and just Little Lady the other half (when The Boy has been at camp running around like a lunatic and eating far too much chocolate!). Also Little Lady has been teething so I have been giving her quite a lot of soft food as she really isn’t that interested in eating. But I realised these softer, mushier meals are prefect for those babies who are early on in the weaning process so I hope you find them interesting and useful for your very little ones.

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Simple Spinach and Goat’s Cheese Pasties

As today is MyMiniMeals Mates Monday I am yet again handing over to one of my fabulous MMM followers Lisa who sent me this great recipe for Simple Spinach and Goat’s Cheese Pasties. They are really delicious and so easy to make. Between you and me I am slightly worried that Lisa is now competition for my title as MMM Queen as this recipe fits all the criteria for how I like to cook – only a few ingredients, no added sugar or salt and terribly easy to make. They are perfect picnic food or for a packed lunch and can be served hot or cold. Thanks Lisa!!

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Easy Bake Bagels

I am still obsessing over my discovery of “2 Ingredient Dough” which I used in my Easy Peasy Pizza Parcels and 3 Ingredient Fruit Scroll recipes. I have been experimenting lots with it and today I have been making bagels. My household is a bagel loving one and we buy them every week and have them for lunch most weekends. But they aren’t cheap and most contain a lot of salt so I tried to make my own and, with 2 Ingredient dough, they couldn’t have been easier. And the bonus is that they taste totally yummy! I made a few versions – plain, cheese and onion (Mr MMM favourite type of bagel) and they all worked so well so have a go and let me know what you think!

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Carrot and apple stars biscuits

I find the most successful recipes are usually the simplest ones. Todays MyMiniMeals Mates Monday recipe is from a lovely lady called Jude on my FB group who showed us all these delicious carrot and apple star biscuits and so far everyone who has made them has loved them. They are so easy to make and are great for a snack or dessert and freeze beautifully. They don’t contain any refined sugar but they do have some honey so aren’t suitable for under 1’s. You could remove the honey if you liked and I am sure they would be as yummy just not as sweet.

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No Bake Fruit Bars

As you have gathered by now I try not to give my kids too much refined sugar. When I say refined sugar let me clarify that I mean the white or brown stuff you get in bags from shops and add to recipes. But you have to be realistic that there is sugar in so many foods out there and, in moderation, I don’t think its that bad to give a bit here and there to your kids. As an adult I prefer “full fat Coke” to the horrid diet stuff as I would rather have sugar in my food than artificial sweeteners. This following recipe is free from refined sugar but, as it contains lots of dried fruit, I can’t really claim it’s sugar free as dried fruit is very high in fructose which is the sugar found naturally in fruit. As with things containing refined sugar this is something I give in moderation to my kids but I prefer to give them dried fruit than a chocolate bar – but The Boy would clearly rather eat a Kit Kat! This is great to help kids with their digestion and is a great afternoon snack to give them energy. The best bit though is that it requires no baking at all which is a winner for me!

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3 Ingredient Fruit Scroll

I recently posted about my discovery of “2 Ingredient Dough” and how I made my “Easy Peasy Pizza Parcels” with it. I have been playing around with the dough and have made some more things so today I want to share with you the easiest Fruit Scroll ever. It’s only made with yoghurt, self raising flour and some fruit puree. Honestly how easy is that? Little Lady loved it and it is great for a dessert or a snack and freezes nicely too. I hope you enjoy it and watch this space for more 2 Ingredient Dough ideas.

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Fun With Fruit

Today I am handing MMM over to the fantastic Kerry Secker again. Kerry’s post “Feeding your Fussy Eater” was so popular I asked her to write another piece for us. Little Lady is a fruit fiend and would happily eat a bowl of fruit for every meal if she could but (and this won’t shock you) The Boy hardly eats any at all and I need all the help I can get to get him to even try a tangerine. Here are Kerry’s tips on getting your fruit hating children to love it! Continue reading

Fantastic Fish Fingers

Let me just say at the outset that I buy processed frozen fish fingers. They are so convenient and 20 minutes in the oven and they are ready and, as both my kids love them, I’d be crazy not to buy them and make my life easy. But I also do make my own fish fingers (when I am feeling very Nigella-esque and virtuous) and they probably are as quick to make as the frozen ones. I hope you enjoy them!  Continue reading

Turkey mozzarella meatballs

For today’s MyMiniMeals Mates Monday I am posting this fabulous recipe for delicious turkey mozzarella meatballs given to me by my sister Alex. These are so easy to make and taste amazing. They are great for adults and kids and you can make the meatballs any size you want depending how comfortable your children are with lumps. They are also great mashed down for babies who need softer food. Enjoy!

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