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Six Simple Salmon Ideas

I buy a lot of salmon as Little Lady loves it and occasionally I can get The Boy to eat it (usually by hiding it in something else and dousing it in ketchup!). It’s so good for kids as it contains Omega 3 and it has a mild creamy taste so usually is very popular with children. Here are 6 simple salmon ides for you. I hope you enjoy!

Simple Salmon Bites

These are incredibly easy to make and Little Lady loves them. I have made them in cubes and recently in finger shapes and they are a great alternative to shop bought fish fingers.

Salmon, Broccoli and Cheese Sauce

This was one of the first things I created for Little Lady when I started weaning her and was a huge success and still is. She loves it over couscous and I make it in bulk and freeze it.

Salmon cutlets

This recipe came from my friend Michelle. Little Lady and Michelle’s little girl love it. I did try it with The Boy but I bet you won’t be surprised to hear he wouldn’t touch it! It’s such an easy recipe to follow and the cutlets are very easy to freeze and take out with you.

1 medium onion

1 tin of red or pink skinless and boneless salmon OR 1 small skinless and boneless salmon fillet

1 egg

1 tbsp ketchup or tomato puree

Fine matzo meal or breadcrumbs (quantity depends on how much it takes to bind the salmon mixture).

If you are using a salmon fillet cook in the microwave with some milk for a few minutes or cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Grate the onion and then mix with the salmon (or blitz in a blender together). Add the egg and the ketchup and stir in all together. Add enough matzo meal or breadcrumbs to bind and make the mixture firm. Take lumps into your hands and roll them into balls and flatten slightly. Coat the flattened balls in more matzo meal or breadcrumbs and then deep fry until golden. You can also bake these in the oven but I would spritz or brush them with some olive oil before hand so they turn golden brown.

Salmon and Broccoli Fishcakes / Mash

This is one of my most popular recipes as it can be adapted to suit finger fed / BLW fed babies or spoon fed / early stage weaning babies.

Poached Salmon With Carrots and Peas

I have no qualms about looking online for recipes to adapt but sometimes a recipe is just perfect and doesn’t need any adapting. I found this one from Annabel Karmel on Tesco’s website and it has proven to be a success with Little Lady time and time again. Typical me though I have cooked all the ingredients in the microwave and it turned out just as nice as when i used a pan of water on the hob.

Salmon with spinach and potatoes

This recipe is great for babies who are just starting on protein or for older ones who need a protein, iron and carb rich meal. You could use any vegetable in place of the spinach but spinach is particularly high in iron and its colour means it is a great way to introduce green coloured food to your baby.

1 small salmon fillet (boneless and skinless)

150g spinach

1 small potato

1 tbsp unsalted butter

Cook the salmon by either placing in a bowl with some milk and cooking in microwave for 3-4 minutes OR cooking in the oven on 180 degrees C for 15-20 minutes. Cook the potato by either placing in microwave (skin on) and cooking for 5-6 minutes OR peel and chop it into small chunks then cook on the hob in some water for 10-15 minutes. Cook the spinach again either on the hob in some water for 3-4 minutes or in the microwave. For younger babies (under 8m) you can then place all the ingredients in a blender with some water or some formula / breast milk and blitz it to a soft puree. For older babies you can just mash the potato and salmon with a fork and chop the spinach up into tiny pieces then mix everything together with the butter until you get a smooth ish mash.