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Apple Three Ways

I always have lots of apples in the house as we all love them (yes even The Boy !) so I wanted to find some different ways of using them than just plain raw apple. I found these 3 great recipes online and as usual I have made my own alterations to them as they all contained sugar and I really prefer, wherever I can, to avoid giving the kids uneccessary sugar. The first two can be used for desserts or breakfast and all three make great snacks. I hope you enjoy as much as we do!  Continue reading


Super quick breakfast ideas

In my household breakfast (especially on weekdays) is a really rushed experience and I have been giving my kids the same thing every day as I know a) they will eat it and b) I haven’t got time to think of different things to make them. The Boy tends to have the same cereal every day and Little Lady (who eats once we are home from school run) has toast or a different brand of cereal. But I have recently started (especially for Little Lady as she is my guinea pig and eats most things) giving them different things. At the weekend we all eat as a family and have more time to make different things (I frequently make 4 different breakfasts!) but I am slowly starting to give everyone the same thing that I have made from scratch (much to The Boy’s horror!).

Here are a few things I have been making recently that have gone down well with my kids and Mr Mini Meals and they really are ridiculously quick to make!

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