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Fun Pizza Ideas

One thing The Boy loves is pizza and although he does have supermarket pizzas I also try to make them from scratch if I can. He has just got interested in cooking so frequently helps me in the kitchen and I find he’s more willing to try new things if he’s had some input into making them. The other day we decided to experiment in the kitchen and see how many pizzas we could make with different bases. We had so much fun and ended up eating quite a lot of pizza!

These fun pizza ideas are so quick and easy to make and if you have a homemade pizza sauce (like my Microwave tomato and vegetable pasta sauce) they are very nutritious too. Give them a go and see what you think!

Polenta Pizza

As you know I just discovered the joy of polenta and for me, as a mainly wheat free person, it’s a fantastic find. It also makes a great, if somewhat soft, pizza base. The Boy even tried it although I am not sure he was overly impressed but Mr Mini Meals and I wolfed it down!

60g uncooked polenta

200ml water

Seasoning (optional)

Bring the water to boil then add the polenta and stir frequently until polenta is thick. Simmer for another 15 minutes stirring frequently. Spoon the polenta onto a well greased baking sheet and leave to cool.


Once cool place polenta under a high grill for 3 minutes on either side until both sides are browned. Spoon the pizza sauce onto polenta base, add toppings and then grill for another 1-2 minutes until cheese is bubbling. IMG_0866

Couscous Pizza

I love, love, love couscous and saw this idea online and as usual made my own amendments. Little Lady had it for lunch and really enjoyed it.

1 cup uncooked couscous (roughly 110g)

1 egg

Cook the couscous and then add egg and mix everything together. Spoon onto a well greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes on 190 degrees C until the mixture has solidified and formed something resembling a pizza base. Spoon the pizza sauce onto polenta base, add toppings and then grill for another 1-2 minutes until cheese is bubbling. 

Rice Cake Pizza

Little Lady loves a bag of rice cakes. Most of hers are fruit flavoured but I also have plain ones which she doesn’t really like. So The Boy (who won’t touch a rice cake and never has in all his 6 years) and I decided to try if the plain ones would make a good pizza base. We simply added the sauce and cheese and grilled until cheese was melted. Our verdict? Yum and a great way to use up those tasteless rice cakes, Little Lady had 6 for her dinner that day as they are so small.


Cream Cracker Pizza

The Boy LOVES cream crackers and normally has them with peanut butter on them but he wanted to try them for pizza and yet again they were a success. As with the rice cakes we just added the sauce and cheese and then grilled. They got a little bit soggy but The Boy was still able to pick them up and eat 8 of them!


Corn Cake Pizza

This one was more for me than the kids as I love corn cakes as I can’t eat much wheat. We did the same method as above and I have to admit the taste of cooked corn and pizza toppings was really rather delicious. The Boy refused to try them even though he loves popcorn but that wasn’t a huge surprise. Again they went a bit soggy but really are worth making.


Potato Pizette Bites

This idea and the photo, is unashamedly taken from the fabulous Annabel Karmel. It involves baking potato slices then once cooked topping them with your chosen pizza sauce and toppings. A completely delicious and fun idea – wish I had thought of it!! The Boy loved them and we then tried with sweet potato and they were as yummy.


We also tried the following ideas and all were huge successes and were eaten before I could take photos!

Pitta Pizza – We toasted a pitta bread then sliced it open and added the sauce and toppings and grilled.

Matzah Pizza – Matzah is an unleavened large square cracker and The Boy adores them. He declared these his favourite of all the pizza bases and proceeded to demand them for dinner for the next three nights. We used the same methods as above.

Crumpet Pizza – This was for Mr MyMiniMeals as he would happily eat crumpets every day if he could but usually smeared thickly in butter. He seemed to enjoy these and, like his son, keeps asking us to make them again.

I hope you enjoy all these ideas and please let me know if you have any other interesting bases we can try.

3 thoughts on “Fun Pizza Ideas

  1. Can I ask where you get uncooked polenta please? I look forward to trying some of these!

  2. Hi I got mine from Ocado but I’ve seen it in all the other major supermarkets too. Thanks

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