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Lots of lentils

I love cooking with lentils as they are so easy to make and are a great source of protein. They work brilliantly for vegetarian recipes and they are also a simple way of introducing protein to babies once you start weaning. With The Boy I only gave him one lentil puree recipe but with Little Lady I have been more adventurous and give her lots of lentils in all shapes and forms. Here are some of the recipes that she enjoys.

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Beef, Beef, Beef

Anyone who is into nutrition knows that iron is really important for babies and children and therefore I’m always trying to get iron rich foods into my kids anyway I can. Red meat is high in iron so I try to give my kids beef 2-3 times a week. The Boy actually loves it so here are my 3 favourite beef recipes that as usual are so easy, nutritious and yummy! Continue reading


Spinach and Cheese Polenta Fingers

There are certain ingredients that just seem scary to use and polenta is definitely one of them. Whenever I see it on cookery programmes I always say I am going to make some but to be honest I have had a box of it sitting in my cupboard for a while and just haven’t got round to using it. I was cleaning out the cupboard the other day and found it so thought I would give it a go and see what I could make. I had some spinach that I needed to use up too so figured I could somehow make something tasty for Little Lady using both ingredients. Continue reading


Any Mince Burgers

My burgers have always been like little rocks that could probably break your a bone if you dropped one on your foot! They were very tasty but way too hard. Then I went to my lovely friend’s house and her burgers were soft and moist and really delicious so she gave me her recipe. I have to admit (and I have told her this!) her recipe somehow didn’t work for me so I amended it slightly and now I am pro burger maker! Even The Boy – who is ultra fussy – eats these and declared them “yummy'”.

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